Monday, November 12, 2007

Top 10 Jazz Tenor Saxophonist (Part 1)

1. John Coltrane
It will be a good surprise to hit a club without reminiscent of Coltrane sound. So Coltrane had made mainstream jazz or another way round?

2. Sonny Rollins
I always listen to him like emotional bluesman but hey, I know Sonny worth a million for academic analysis. Multi-dimensional... his idea, his melody, his technique, his tone...

3. Lester Young
I don't really look at the whole performance profile when do ranking... it is how often I hear magic from that tenor man. Most player makes wonder only at certain point of his career but Prez did it again, and again, and when you thought his final sessions are just a breathe of... he did that magic again.

4. Coleman Hawkins
If it is not Bean... we are most likely still stuck with comical jungle sound or rag time jazz. Ambitious lines, serious artistic exploration... Bean was not the first but he elevated with Body and Soul.

5. Stan Getz
Natural born conversationalist. He never fails to tell wonderful story, most of them are exotic journey to Brazil.

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