Sunday, November 18, 2007

Top 10 Jazz Tenor Saxophonist (part 2)

6. Wayne Shorter
Saxophone equivalent to Miles and Herbie Hancock, I don't remember anybody else as successful across hard bop and fusion.

7. Dexter Gordon
Different people love Dexter in many different ways. I can still remember how was I surprised by early Dexter's recording... when I need an honest piece of music with a lot of gun smoke, I would still seek Dexter out.

8. Ben Webster
As time goes by, time span of pre-bop is getting shorter in the history of jazz. I start to worry fans would eventually forget how jazz first sounds like. Nothing's wrong with Joshua Redman, I like his music a lot. However, I cannot ignore music that first touch me and bring me into the world of jazz.

9. Johnny Griffin
When Johnny plays, you can't complain. I can hardly imagine a jazz fan telling he doesn't like Johnny Griffin... he is either swing or fusion advocate. "I like to play fast. I get excited, and I have to sort of control myself, restrain myself. But when the rhythm section gets cooking, I want to 'explode'."

10. Pharoah Sanders
Ornette Coleman: "probably the best tenor player in the world." Respected by Coltrane and many other free jazz musicians but not ordinary jazz fans.

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